Hydraulic Arm: Learnary Tinker Kit
A Learnary Trade Skills Kit for Tinkering with Heavy Machinery
Age 8+
This robotic arm, made by Pathfinders Design and Technology, with additional supporting material from The Learnary, is an easy to make 3-dimensional model that grabs, lifts items horizontally, and can turn very close to 90 degrees! Designed to be used alone (with a nice syringe holder), or in a group – each person using one syringe.
A great way to learn about Robotics, Levers and Simple Machines, Fluid dynamics, Engineering, Invention, Design and Technology – or just moving things around the house.
While this kit can be made by youngsters starting around 8 years old (and younger), we like that it is both interesting and compelling for kids of all ages – right up to those in their 90’s! A great kit for parents and kids to make together. Good for beginner model makers.
To be used for classrooms, small groups, and families.
Packaged Dimensions: 12" x 8" x 3"
PLEASE NOTE: Individual kits and classroom sets are made to order. Expect approximately one week for fulfillment of individual kits and one to two weeks for sets of 10 to 20. For larger orders, we will be in touch with an estimated fulfillment date. Please email us at becurious@thelearnary.ca with questions.