Get Involved!
The Learnary is built by many hands.
Everybody has something to offer, and something to learn.
We believe there is necessary beauty in the messy & unpredictable work of people coming together to create, play, lean and build.
Friend of the Learnary: Subscribed Support
The Learnary is a beloved place, full of possibility and wonder. Everyday, we witness people excited & nourished by our very existence; this is a truly wonderful thing. The Learnary is also a rather ridiculous and unlikely business model. Built largely from committed vision, an abundance of work, & magical thinking, it exists. We intend to keep existing and grow into something sustainable.
If you are able, please financially support this magical place by becoming a monthly supporter & friend of The Learnary.
Creative Space Rental
We have a great space for doing creative work! Perfect for homeschool groups, gathering of friends, small workshops, D&D clubs, meetings, a place to work that is out of the house, and more.
Email for more information.
Interested in getting involved? Donating? Renting the creative space? Let us know!
We look forward to hearing from you!